Friday, 23 September 2011

OH BOY!!!!!

Have hardly slept, extremely sleep deprived and frustrated…….  I've been up at the crack of dawn tinkling about with the printer and cant get my head round it as yet…

WHAT THE .....???
Tears have been shed and a lot of things flung round the room. 

This is the depth of my passion and my impatience at not being able to print.

As a beginner, I have much to learn, but I have been a tad hasting in accepting delivery so soon, as now she is covered up in the studio until the rest of my fonts, paper arrive and I complete my course at the great Harrington & Squires. 

I am also very pleased to find other people like me in the same situation - learning about an art form for which there are few teachers & supplies and tools that are expensive and difficult to come by.

Stay with me here my start up is bumpy but my dedication and perseverance remains un-dented.

Sam x


Is it Christmas???? 

Maybe not for you today but it was like all my Christmases rolled into one.  Caslon delivered me my machine beautiful Adana 8 x 5.  I was so excited because this means that I am finally able to print.  Not yet christened but please allow me to introduce you to the newest member of the Very Impressed family.


Tuesday, 6 September 2011